
There are so many wonderful books to explore with children, here you will find some of my favorites.


This is not a math book

by Anna Weltman

This book, and its sequel, are filled with delightful activities to explore with your child. The book is beautifully designed and has a plethora of rich mathematical adventures with deep roots into maths’ most elegant ideas.


Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar by Masaichiro and Mitsumasa Anno

This book introduces the reader to the powerful operation called “factorial” through a beautifully illustrated story, kids of all ages can appreciate the way factorials grow!

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Which one doesn’t belong by Christopher Danielson

This book asks the simple question “Which one doesn’t belong?” with a series of carefully put together pages that offer the reader numerous possible responses. By having more than one “correct” answer, we can emphasize the important of constructing viable arguments over finding the one true answer.